Journal of chemical Ecology : Tome 39 fascicule 1 (2013)

Sommaire à partir des références de la base

Improving the efficiency Pest Detection and surveillance : constraints and opportunities for multiple-species trapping
Brockerhoff (Eckehard G.), Jactel (Hervé), Kimberley (Mark O.), Mastro (Victor C.), Roques (Alain), Suckling (D.maxwell), Twidle (Andrew M.) et Branco (Manuela) - page(s) 50-58

Improving the Efficiency of Lepidopteran Pest Detection and Surveillance : Constraints and Opportunities for Multiple-Species Trapping
Brockerhoff (Eckehard G.), Jactel (Hervé), Kimberley (Mark O.), Mastro (Victor C.), Roques (Alain), Suckling (D.maxwell), Twidle (Andrew M.) et Branco (Manuela) - page(s) 50-58