Auteur(s) | Année | Titre | Volume | |
Von Reumont (B.), Misof (B.), Schwarzer (J.), Struwe (J-F.) | 2012 | Phylogeny of the Burnet Moth Zygaena transalpina complex : molecular and morphometric differenciation suggests glacial refugia in Southern France, Western France and micro-refugia within the Alps | 50 (1) | |
Dapporto (L.) | 2008 | Geometric morphometrics reveal male genitalia differences in the Lasiommata megera/paramegaera complex (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) and the lack of a predicted hybridization area in the Tuscan Archipelago | 46 (3) | |
Pazhenkova (E. A.), Lukhtanov (V. A.) | 2018 | Nuclear genes (but not mitochondrial DNA barcodes) reveal real species: Evidence from the Brenthis fritillary butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) | 2018 |