Vandevelde (J-F.), Julliard (R.), Penone (C.) | 2012 | High-speed railways are not barriers to Pyronia tithonus butterfly movements |
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Tóth (J. P.), Varga (K.), Varga (Z.), Vegvari (Z.) | 2013 | Distribution of the Eastern Knapweed Fritillary (Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893) (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) : past, present and future |
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Scohier (A.), Dumont (B.), Farrugia (A.), Ouin (A.) | 2013 | Is there a benefit of excluding sheep from pastures at flowering peak on flower-visiting insect diversity ? |
17 (2) | |
Harper (G. L.), Goulson (D.), Maclean (N.) | 2008 | Molecular evidence for a recent founder event in the UK populations of the Adonis Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus bellargus) |
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Clarke (R. T.) | 1998 | Population modelling of the spatial interactions between Maculinea rebeli, their initial foodplant Gentiana cruciata and Myrmica Ants within a site |
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Corradini (P.), Serranito (B.), Petit (D.) | 2021 | Historical observations for a sparsely recorded woodland butterfly are used to determine factors driving distribution change and to identify conservation strategies |
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