
Résultats pour Ricci Benoît (6)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Martin (O.), Franck (P.), Lavigne (C.), et a.2014Modelling of Codling Moth Damage as a Function of Adult Monitoring, Crop Protection and Other Orchard Characteristics Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics 19 (4)
Monteiro (L. B.), Franck (P.), Lavigne (C.), et a.2013Predation of Codling Moth eggs is affected by pest management practices at orchard and landscape levels Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 166
Franck (P.), Cornuet (J-M.), Klein (E. K.), et a.2011Genetic interferences about the population dynamics of Codling Moth females at a local scale Genetica 139 (7)
Lavigne (C.), Franck (P.), Ricci (B.), Senoussi (R.)2010Spatial analyses of ecological count data : a density map comparison approach Basic and Applied Ecology 11
Ricci (B.), Franck (P.), Lavigne (C.), et a.2009The influence of landscape on Insect pest dynamics : a case study in southeastern France Landscape Ecology 24 (3)
Ricci (B.)2009Dynamique spatiale et dégâts de Carpocapse dans la basse vallée de la Durance. Thèse de Doctorat. Univesité d'Avignon