
Résultats pour Owen Denis Frank (7)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Owen (D. F.)1996Vein- and petiole-cutting behaviour by larvae of Cucullia verbasci (Linné) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) feeding on the leaves of Buddeia (Buddleiaceae) . Linneana Belgica 15 (7)
Owen (D. F.)1986Hipparchia neomiris Godart (Lep. : Satyridae) at sea level in Corsica The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 98 (7-8)
Burton (J. F.), Owen (D. F.)1954Observations sur les migrations d'insectes dans le sud-ouest de la France L'Entomologiste 11 (1)
Burton (G. N.), Owen (D. F.)1954Insect migration S. W. France The Entomologist's monthly Magazine 90
Owen (D. F.)1954Habitat selection in Pararge aegeria (L.) (Lep., Satyridae) in S. W. France The Entomologist 87 (1087)
Burton (J. F.), Owen (D. F.)1954Insect migration S. W. France The Entomologist's monthly Magazine 90
Burton (G. N.), Owen (D. F.)1954Observations sur les migrations d'Insectes dans le sud-ouest de la France L'Entomologiste 11 (1)