
Résultats pour Malausa Thibaut (4)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Malausa (T.), Pélissie (B.), Pélissier (C.), et a.2008Differences in oviposition behaviour of two sympatric sibling species of the genus Ostrinia Bulletin of entomological Research 98 (2)
Malausa (T.), Audiot (P.), Harrison (R.), et a.2007Molecular differentiation at nuclear loci in French host races of the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) Genetics 176 (4)
Malausa (T.), Chaval (Y.), Dalecky (A.), et a.2007Genetic structure and gene flow in French populations of two Ostrinia taxa : host races or sibling species ? Molecular Ecology 16 (20)
Leniaud (L.), Audiot (P.), Frérot (B.), et a.2006Genetic structure of European and Mediterranean Maize Borer populations on several wild and cultivated host plants Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 120 (1)