
Résultats pour Jones Albert Hugh (16)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Jones (A. H.)1902July in the Cévennes (Lepidoptera) The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 13, n° 154 {38, n° 453}
Jones (A. H.)1901Exhibition at Entomological Society of Cevennes butterflies Nature 65
Jones (A. H.)1899Ten Day's Collecting in the Cévennes The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 10, n° 116 {35, n° 423}
Jones (A. H.)1898Notes on some South European Lepidoptera, with remarks on Thais and Euchloë Proceedings of the South London Entomological and natural History Society 1898 (1)
Jones (A. H.)1898Notes on the Rhopalocera, etc., of the Alps, particularly the upper Engadine The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 9, n° 98 {34, n° 405}
Jones (A. H.)1894Notes on Lepidoptera in the South of France The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 5, n° 56 {30, n° 363} 1894
Jones (A. H.)1894Notes of Lepidoptera in the South of France The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 5, n° 55 {30, n° 362}
Jones (A. H.)1893Charaxes jasius feeding on Arbutus unedo The Transactions of the entomological Society of London 1893, Proceedings
Jones (A. H.)1893Lepidoptera collected in Corsica The Transactions of the entomological Society of London 1893, Proceedings
Jones (A. H.)1890Notes of Lepidoptera at Digne The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 1, n° 10 {26, n° 317}
Jones (A. H.), Nicholson (W. E.)1890Lepidoptera collected near Digne, Basses Alpes The Transactions of the entomological Society of London 1890
Jones (A. H.)1889Note on Leucophasia Duponcheli The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 1 {25, n° 297}
Jones (A. H.)1889Note on Lycaena Cyllarus The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 1 {25, n° 297}
Jones (A. H.)1889Notes on Lepidoptera in the South of France The Entomologist's monthly Magazine (2), 1 {25, n° 297}
Jones (A. H.)1883Notes on Lycaena boetica The Entomologist 16 (236)
Jones (A. H.)1883Notes on the Lepidoptera of the Pyrénées in September The Entomologist's monthly Magazine 19