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Journal of chemical Ecology | 40 (8) | |
Brigaud (I.), François (M-C.), Grosmaître (X.), Jacquin-Joly (E.) | 2009 | Cloning and expression pattern of a putative octopamine/tyramine receptor in antennae of the noctuid moth Mamestra brassicae |
Cell and tissue Research | 335 (2) | |
Brigaud (I.), François (M-C.), Jacquin-Joly (E.), et a. | 2009 | Identification of an atypical Insect olfactory receptor subtype highly conserved within Noctuids |
The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal | 276 (22) | |
Anderson (A. R.), Jacquin-Joly (E.), Newcomb (R. D.), et a. | 2009 | Molecular basis of female-specific odorant responses in Bombyx mori |
Insect Biochemistry and molecular Biology | 39 (3) | |
Malpel (S.), François (M-C.), Jacquin-Joly (E.), Merlin (Chr.) | 2008 | Molecular identification and characterization of two new Lepidoptera chemoreceptors belonging to the Drosophila melanogaster OR83b family |
Insect molecular Biology | 17 (5) | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.), Anton (S.), Lucas (P.) | 2008 | Phéromones, antennes, cerveaux. Comment le Papillon sent-il ? |
Biofutur | 286 | |
Merlin (Chr.), François (M-C.), Guerrero (A.), et a. | 2007 | Antennal esterase cDNAs from two pest moths, Spodoptera littoralis and Sesamia nonagrioides, potentially involved in odourant degradation |
Insect molecular Biology | 16 (1) | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.), François (M-C.), Lucas (P.), et a. | 2002 | Expression pattern un the antennae of a newly isolated lepidopteran Gq protein a subnit cDNA |
European Journal of Biochemistry | 269 | |
Nagnan (P.), Descoins (Ch.), Jacquin-Joly (E.) | 2002 | Détection des phéromones et contrôle des populations d'Insectes |
Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France | 88 | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.), François (M-C.), Nagnan Le Meillour (P.), Vogt (R. G.) | 2001 | Functionnal and expression pattern analyses of chemosensory proteins expressed in antennae and pheromonal gland of Mamestra brassicae |
Chemical senses | 26 | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.), François (M-C.), Nagnan (P.), et a. | 2000 | Characterization of the general-odorant protein 2 in the molecular coding of odorants in Mamestra brassicae |
European Journal of Biochemistry | 267 | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.), Descoins (Ch.) | 1996 | Identification of PBAN-like peptides in the brain-subesophageal ganglion complex of Lepidoptera using western-blotting |
Insect Biochemistry and molecular Biology | 26 (2) | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.) | 1992 | Régulation neuroendocrine de la production des phéromones femelles chez deux Noctuelles, Mamestra brassicae et Heliothis zeae Boddie (Lépidoptères). |
Thèse de doctorat de l'INA-PG | | |
Jacquin-Joly (E.), Frérot (B.), Nagnan (P.) | 1991 | Identification of hairpencil secretion from male Mamestra brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) and electroantennogram studies |
Journal of chemical Ecology | 17 (1) | |