
Résultats pour Kaila Lauri (13)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Kaila (L.), Huemer (P.)2024Elachista dimicatella sensu auctt.—a complex of neglected species diversity (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) from European mountain systems ZooKeys 1212
Wikström (B.), Huemer (P.), Mutanen (M.), et a.2020Pyralis cardinalis, a charismatic new species related to P. regalis [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775, first recognized in Finland (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) Nota Lepidopterologica 43
Kaila (L.)2019An annotated catalogue of Elachistinae of the World (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Elachistidae) Zootaxa 4632 (1)
Rönkä (K.), Mappes (J.), Kaila (L.), Wahlberg (N.)2016Putting Parasemia in its phylogenetic place: a molecular analysis of the subtribe Arctiina (Lepidoptera) Systematic Entomology 41 (4)
Heikkilä (M.), Mutanen (M.), Wahlberg (N.), et a.2015Elusive ditrysian phylogeny: an account of combining systematized morphology with molecular data (Lepidoptera) Bmc Evolutionary Biology 15 (260)
Kaila (L.), Baran (T.), Mutanen (M.)2015A revision of the Elachista dispilella complex (Lepidoptera : Gelechioidea : Elachistidae) Zootaxa 3963 (4)
Kaila (L.)2015The Elachista dispunctella (Duponchel) complex (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) revisited, with exceptional level of synonymy Zootaxa 3980 (3)
Kaila (L.), Mutanen (M.)2012DNA barcoding and morphology support the division of Elachista nuraghella sensu auctorum (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Elachistinae) into two vicariant species Zootaxa 3343
Mutanen (M.), Aarvik (L.), Huemer (P.), et a.2012DNA barcodes reveal that the widespread European tortricid moth Phalonidia manniana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a mixture of two species Zootaxa 3262 (1)
Nieukerken (E. J. van), Kaila (L.), Kitching (I. J.), et a.2011Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.)  Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness Zootaxa 3148
Zahiri (R.), Kitching (I. J.), Lafontaine (D. J.), et a.2011A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) Zoologica Scripta 40 (2)
Kaila (L.)2007A taxonomic revision of the Elachista bedellella (Sircom) complex (Lepidoptera : Elachistidae : Elachistinae) Zootaxa 1629
Kaila (L.), Bengtsson (B. Å.), Sulcs (I.)2001A revision of the Elachista regificella Sircom -complex (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) Entomologica Fennica 12 (3)