Khan (M.), Joshi (M.), Espeland (M.), et a. | 2024 | Patterns of speciation in a parapatric pair of Saturnia moths as revealed by target capture |
Molecular Ecology | 33 | |
Berggren (K.), Aarvik (L.), Huemer (P.), et a. | 2022 | Integrative taxonomy reveals overlooked cryptic diversity in the conifer feeding Batrachedra pinicolella (Zeller, 1839) (Lepidoptera, Batrachedridae) |
ZooKeys | 1085 | |
Sadat Tahami (M.), Dincă (V.), Lee (K.M.), et a. | 2021 | Genomics Reveal Admixture and Unexpected Patterns of Diversity in a Parapatric Pair of Butterflies |
Genes | 12 (2009) | |
Lopez Vaamonde (C.), Kirichenko (N.), Cama (A.), et a. | 2021 | Evaluating DNA Barcoding for Species Identification and Discovery in European Gracillariid Moths |
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 9 | |
Hausmann (A.), Huemer (P.), Lee (K.M.), Mutanen (M.) | 2021 | DNA barcoding and genomics reveal Perizoma barrassoi Zahm, Cieslak & Hausmann, 2006 as new for the fauna of Central Europe (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) |
Nota Lepidopterologica | 44 | |
Huemer (P.), Haxaire (J.), Min Lee (K.), et a. | 2020 | Revision of the genus Hoplodrina Boursin, 1937 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Xyleninae). I. Hoplodrina octogenaria (Goeze, 1781) and its sister species H. alsinides (Costantini, 1922) sp. rev. in Europe |
ZooKeys | (920) | |
Wikström (B.), Huemer (P.), Mutanen (M.), et a. | 2020 | Pyralis cardinalis, a charismatic new species related to P. regalis [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775, first recognized in Finland (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) |
Nota Lepidopterologica | 43 | |
Huemer (P.), Karsholt (O.), Aarvik (L.), et a. | 2020 | DNA barcode library for European Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) suggests greatly underestimated species diversity |
ZooKeys | 921 | |
Aarvik (L.), Bengtsson (B. Å.), Elven (H.), et a. | 2017 | Nordic-Baltic Checklist of Lepidoptera |
Norwegian Journal of Entomology | Supplément 3 | |
Kozlov (M. V.), Mutanen (M.), Min Lee (K.), Huemer (P.) | 2016 | Cryptic diversity in the long‐horn moth Nemophora degeerella (Lepidoptera: Adelidae) revealed by morphology, DNA barcodes and genome‐wide ddRAD‐seq data |
Systematic Entomology | 42 (2) | |
Kaila (L.), Baran (T.), Mutanen (M.) | 2015 | A revision of the Elachista dispilella complex (Lepidoptera : Gelechioidea : Elachistidae) |
Zootaxa | 3963 (4) | |
Huemer (P.), Mutanen (M.) | 2015 | Alpha taxonomy of the genus Kessleria Nowicki, 1864, revisited in light of DNA-barcoding (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) |
ZooKeys | 503 | |
Heikkilä (M.), Mutanen (M.), Wahlberg (N.), et a. | 2015 | Elusive ditrysian phylogeny: an account of combining systematized morphology with molecular data (Lepidoptera) |
Bmc Evolutionary Biology | 15 (260) | |
Kaila (L.), Mutanen (M.) | 2012 | DNA barcoding and morphology support the division of Elachista nuraghella sensu auctorum (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Elachistinae) into two vicariant species |
Zootaxa | 3343 | |
Mutanen (M.), Aarvik (L.), Huemer (P.), et a. | 2012 | DNA barcodes reveal that the widespread European tortricid moth Phalonidia manniana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a mixture of two species |
Zootaxa | 3262 (1) | |
Nieukerken (E. J. van), Mutanen (M.), Doorenweerd (C.) | 2012 | DNA barcoding resolves species complexes in Stigmella salicis and S. aurella species groups and shows additional cryptic speciation in S. salicis (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) |
Entomologisk Tidskrift | 132 (4) | |
Huemer (P.), Mutanen (M.) | 2012 | Taxonomy of spatially disjunct alpine Teleiopsis albifemorella s. lat. (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae) revealed by molecular data and morphology-how many species are there? |
Zootaxa | 3580 | |
Zahiri (R.), Kitching (I. J.), Lafontaine (D. J.), et a. | 2011 | A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) |
Zoologica Scripta | 40 (2) | |
Nieukerken (E. J. van), Kaila (L.), Kitching (I. J.), et a. | 2011 | Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness |
Zootaxa | 3148 | |