
Résultats pour Feltwell John (21)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Feltwell (J.)2008An outbreak of Libythea celtis Laicharting (Lepidoptera : Libytheidae) in the Basses-Cévennes, France British Journal of Entomology and natural History 21 (2)
Feltwell (J.)1998Les Hétérocères du Massif central en danger Insectes 111 (4)
Feltwell (J.)1996A hazard to Moths on the Lozère Massif British Journal of Entomology and natural History 9 (2)
Feltwell (J.)1992Connaissance de la nature : Papillons. 1-108. Traduit et adapté par Éric Rambeau et Nicolas Blot.
Feltwell (J.)1992Connaissance de la nature : Papillons. Traduit et adapté par Éric Rambeau et Nicolas Blot.
Feltwell (J.)1989Gypsies attack forest - or is it acid rain ? British Journal of Entomology and natural History 2 (2)
Feltwell (J.), Ducros (P.)1989Sphingidae of the Cévennes British Journal of Entomology and natural History 2 (2)
Feltwell (J.)1983Butterfly behaviour : celtis, crataegi, spini The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 95 (7-8)
Feltwell (J.)1983The revival of the silk industry in the Basses-Cévennes Proceedings and Transactions of the british Entomological and natural History Society 16 (1-2)
Feltwell (J.)1983Traditional rearing of silkworms in the Basses-Cévennes Proceedings and Transactions of the british Entomological and natural History Society 16 (1-2)
Feltwell (J.), Ducros (P.)1982Further migrations of Hipparchia semele (L.) in 1976 and 1980 Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 20 (1)
Feltwell (J.)1982Studies on Butterfly populations Proceedings and Transactions of the british Entomological and natural History Society 15
Feltwell (J.), Burton (G. N.)1982Observations on Lepidoptera in the Cévennes, Easter 1981 The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 94 (7-8)
Feltwell (J.)1981Promenade entomologique en Cévennes Document photocopié
Feltwell (J.)1981Observations on the Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius (L.) (Lep. : Papilionidae) Proceedings and Transactions of the british Entomological and natural History Society 14
Feltwell (J.)1979Butterflies of the cols of the Cévennes The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 91 (9)
Feltwell (J.)1979Trapping and treacling The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 91 (5)
Feltwell (J.)1978Butterflies of the cols of the Cévennes The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 90 (2)
Feltwell (J.)1977Check list of the Rhopalocera of the Parc National des Cévennes Entomologist's Gazette 28 (2)
Feltwell (J.)1976Migration of Hipparchia semele L Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 15 (2)
Feltwell (J.)1975Collecting from roads The Entomologist's monthly Magazine 110