
Résultats pour Walker Francis Augustus (6)

Auteur(s) Année Titre Publication Volume
Walker (F. A.)1902Lepidoptera Heterocera in Paris The Entomologist 35 (467)
Walker (F. A.)1901Lepidoptera Rhopalocera in Paris The Entomologist 34 (463)
Walker (F. A.)1873A visit to Corsica The Zoologist (2), 8 (31), {June, 1873}
Walker (F. A.)1873A visit to Corsica The Zoologist (2), 8 (32)
Walker (F. A.)1866List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part XXXV, Supplement, PArt 5.
Walker (F. A.)1864List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum Part XXX