Kovács (Z.), Kovács (S.), Buchner (P.), Junnilainen (J.) | 2024 | A review of the Cochylimorpha perfusana (Guenée, 1845) species group (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Europe, with the description of a new species from the Southern Carpathians (Romania) |
Nota Lepidopterologica | 47 | |
Buchner (P.) | 2020 | Three new species of Depressariinae (Lepidoptera) from Europe and Western Asia and establishment of three new synonyms |
Miscellaneous Papers | 217 | |
Buchner (P.) | 2019 | Vier neue Schmetterlingsarten für Österreich, darunter Depressaria nemolella SVENSSON, 1982, neu für Frankreich (Lepidoptera) |
Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik | 20 | |
Buchner (P.), Corley (M.) | 2019 | Agonopterix olusatri, a new species of Depressariidae (Lepidoptera) from the West Palaearctic region |
Miscellaneous Papers | 196 | |
Buchner (P.) | 2015 | Two new species of Agonopterix (Depressariidae, Lepidoptera) from Europe |
Zootaxa | 3986 | |