Scythrididae. In : Huemer (Peter), Karsholt (Ole) and Lyneborg (Lyne)
Auteur : Bengtsson (Bengt Å.)
Année de publication : 1997
Publication : Microlepidoptera Of Europe
Volume :
Volume 2
Pagination : 1-301
ISBN : 978-87-88-75711-8
Résumé :
The Scythrididae from Europe and North Africa are reviewed in this volume. It cover 237 specimens in 7 genera and is with 14 colour plates and line drawings of all species gentitalia. [Scythris annae n. sp. (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) ; Scythris subsiccella n. sp. (Hautes-Alpes) ; Scythris meanderis n. sp. (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence)]