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Vorarbeiten fur die 'Microlepidoptera Palaearctica': der Pselnophorus-Komplex (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)

Auteur : Arenberger (Ernst)

Année de publication : 1990
Publication : Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Volume : 39
Fascicule : 1
Pagination : 13-20

Résumé :

The species of the Pselnophorus-comples are revised and investigations upon the venation is presented. As one result we introduce a new genus, Puerphorus gen. n. A checklist of all palaearctic species and their synonyms is published. The genus Pselnophorus WALLENGREN, 1881 is represented by four species: heterodactylus (MÜLLER, 1764), poggei (MANN, 1862), japonicus MARUMO, 1923 and vilis (BUTLER, 1881). Borzhomi ZAGULAJEV, 1984 from the Kaukasus area is identified as a junior synonym of poggei, which is recognised as a good species. Four species belong to Gypsochares MEYRICK, 1890: baptodactyla (ZELLER, 1850), bigoti GIBEAUX & NEL, 1989, catharotes (MEYRICK, 1908) and kukti sp. n. Olbiadactylus (MILLIERE, 1859) formerly classified as a Pselnophorus-species, is now placed under the new genus Puerphorus gen. n. Two taxa. Gypsochares hedemanni REBEL, 1896 and Pselnophorus lanceatus AREXBERGER, 1985, are eliminated from the Pselnophorus-cornplex and the taxonomical status of G. hedemanni is discussed.