Détail de la référence

The Cistaceae-feeding Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of the western Palaearctic region

Auteur : Nieukerken (Erik J. van)

Année de publication : 1983
Publication : Systematic Entomology
Volume : 8
Fascicule : 4
Pagination : 453-478

Résumé :

The 6 spp. of Nepticulidae feeding on Cistaceae are placed in PARAFOMORIA gen. nov.: the type species P. helianthemella (Herrich-Schafffer) comb. nov. (Nepticula helianthemella), P. cistivora (Peyerimhoff) comb. nov. (N. cistivora), P. pseudocistivora sp. nov., P. liguricella (Klimesch) comb. nov. (Stigmella liguricella), P. ladaniphila (Mendes) comb. nov. (N. ladaniphila) and P. tingitella (Walsingham) comb. nov. (N. tingitella). The genus occurs in central Europe and the Mediterramean region. Full descriptions, including figures of genitalia and details of biology are given and a key to the species is provided. A tentative phylogeny is discussed. Primary types were checked and 5 lectotypes were designated. S. diniensis (Klimesch) is for the 1st time reported as feeding on Cistaceae and redescribed