Détail de la référence


Coleophora variicornis Toll, 1952 stat. rev. is a distinct species occurring in Central Europe (Coleophoridae)

Auteurs : Nuß (Matthias) et Stübner (Andreas)

Année de publication : 2003
Publication : Nota Lepidopterologica
Volume : 26
Fascicule : 1-2
Pagination : 27-34

Résumé :

Coleophora variicornis Toll, 1952 formerly treated as a synonym of C. hieronella Zeller, 1849 is recognised as a distinct species after investigation of the type specimens. Diagnoses are given to distinguish these two species from the other members of the Coleophora trifolii species group and to distinguish C. variicornis from C. hieronella. Their external and genitalia features are described and figured. According to our investigations, C. variicornis is known by specimens from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Turkey, and Turkmenistan. Coleophora variicornis is recorded for the first time from Central Europe by specimens collected in historical and recent times from the German state of Brandenburg. Coleophora hieronella is so far known from Spain, France, Italy (Sicily), and Croatia