Détail de la référence

Arethusana boabdil (Rambur, 1840) de la prov. de Grenade, Andalousie : une bonne espèce ! (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

Auteurs : Olivares (Javier), Jutzeler (David) et Leestmans (Ronny)

Année de publication : 1999
Publication : Linneana Belgica
Volume : 17
Fascicule : 4
Pagination : 135-154

Résumé :

The main aim of this paper consists of demonstrating the morphological differences between the first instar of A. arethusa (Denis & Schiffermueler, 1775) from Mt. Ventoux in southern France and A. boabdil occurring in the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). The description of the early stages of the latter, depicted in colour, seemed to be unpublished. The differences found in the eggs and in the larvae are of such an importance that a new taxonomic approach of boabdil, being a species on its own, is a matter without doubt. The position of the Moroccan aksouali (Wyatt, 1952) and dentata (Staudinger, 1871) fron the SW. of France and NW. of Spain remain questionable as long as their first instars remain uncompared with those of the nominal arethusa. Full particulars on the habitat and on the distribution of boabdil, as well as on the geographical distribution of the other taxa fo the Arethusana-complex, are completing this study