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Lépidoptères nocturnes de la vallée de la Cure (Yonne, F-89) (Lepidoptera, Heterocera). Nature et comportement

Auteur : Purser (Bruce)

Année de publication : 2007
Publication : Bulletin des Lépidoptéristes parisiens et d'Île-de-France
Volume : 16
Fascicule : 37
Pagination : 45-57

Résumé :

The Cure Valley (Dept. Yonne, France) includes numerous forests and grass-covered slopes and plateaux whose character varies according to the limestone and granitic soils. A detailed study of the macro-moths, carried out systematically over a period of six years (2000 - 2005) was based on a limited number (15) of fixed stations covering the three major biotopes - humid forest (on granite), dry forest (on lime-stone) and natural talus and grass pastures (also on limestone). The objectives were essentially two-fold : establish a reference list of moths recording the biodiversity at the beginning of this twenty-first century and, especially, evaluate the behaviour (ethology) of these Heterocera in terms of seasonal variation and distribution relative to the three major biotopes. In addition, limited studies were made concerning the microstructure and col-oration of certain moths.The 500 species collected include about 30 species typical of the warmer southern parts of France, a possible indication of the preliminary effects of climatic change. Faunal changes relating to season were relatively easy to define, the number of species ranging from 90 at the beginning of June, to 8 early in December, attaining a minimum of 2 (at temperatures of -2[degree]) in January. The relationships between fauna and biotope were less distinct. This was due probably to the fact that all biotopes contain a mixed vegetation, many elements of which (notably the oaks) being common to all. As a result, only 16% of the 500 species were typical of one or other biotope al-though an additional 30% were collected only once. In addition, 20% were common to at least two biotopes and 32% to all three. These cumulative results based on a period of 6 years, differ from results obtained during a single evening ; on four occasions when lamps were lit simultaneously in several distinct (but nearby) biotopes, 75% of species were restricted to one or other lamp (biotope) and only 25% were common to all lamps. Extrapolation of the cumulative graph covering the total period (6 years) suggests that the population of the macro-Heterocera in the Cure Valley is in the order of 600 species, of which 500 were identified. SN 1635-2513 UT ZOOREC:ZOOR14401005257