Détail de la référence


Worldwide variability of insecticide resistance mechanisms in the Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae)

Auteurs : Reyes (Matias), Franck (Pierre), Knight (Alan L.), Margaritopoulos (John T.g.), Olivares (Javier) et Sauphanor (Benoît)

Année de publication : 2009
Publication : Bulletin of entomological Research
Volume : 99
Fascicule : 4
Pagination : 359-369

Résumé :

pplyBrkRulesThe activity of detoxifying enzymes (glutathione-S-transferases (GST),/ mixed-function oxidases (MFO), and esterases (EST)) and the presence/ of insensitive variants of target proteins (sodium channel and/ acetylcholinesterase) were examined in individual male and female/ codling moths. Twenty-nine populations from 11 countries and two/ laboratory strains were examined. Populations were classified as/ either unsprayed or sprayed. The ranges of enzyme activities across/ field populations varied 15-fold, 485-fold and fourfold for GST, MFO/ and EST, respectively. MFO was the only enzyme whose activity differed/ in a binomial classification of orchards based on their spray history./ Few differences in enzyme activities were found due to sex among/ populations; and, in these cases, males had higher GST and lower MFO/ and EST activities than females. Activities of the three enzymatic/ systems across all populations were positively correlated. Populations/ from Greece, Argentina and Uruguay had significant percentages of/ moths with elevated GST and MFO activities. The co-occurrence of moths/ expressing both elevated MFO and low EST activities was found in/ conventional orchards from the Czech Republic and France. Chile was/ the only country where populations from treated orchards did not/ include a significant proportion of individuals with enhanced enzyme/ activity. The kdr mutation was found at significant levels in ten/ populations from five countries, including all French and Argentinean/ populations. The mutation in AChE was only detected in the Spanish/ population.