Insecticide resistance may enhance the response to a host-plant volatile kairomone for the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.)
Auteurs : Sauphanor (Benoît), Franck (Pierre), Lasnier (Thérèse), Renou (Michel), Beslay (Dominique), Toubon (Jean-François), Boivin (Thomas) et Bouvier (Jean-Charles)
Année de publication : 2007
Publication : Naturwissenschaften
Volume :
Fascicule : 6
Pagination : 449-458
Résumé :
The behavioral and electroantennographic responses of Cydia pomonella (L.) to the ripe pear volatile ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate (Et-E,Z-DD), were compared in insecticide-susceptible and -resistant populations originating from southern France. A dose-response relationship to this kairomonal attractant was established for antennal activity and did not reveal differences between susceptible and resistant strains. Conversely, males of the laboratory strains expressing metabolic (cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidases (mfo)) or physiological (kdr-type mutation of the sodium-channel gene) resistance mechanisms exhibited a significantly higher response to Et-E,Z-DD than those of the susceptible strain in a wind tunnel experiment. No response of the females to this kairomone could be obtained in our wind-tunnel conditions. In apple orchards, mfo-resistant male moths were captured at significantly higher rates in kairomone-baited traps than in traps baited with the sex pheromone of C. pomonella. Such a differential phenomenon was not verified for the kdr-resistant insects, which exhibited a similar response to both the sex pheromone and the kairomonal attractant in apple orchards. Considering the widespread distribution of metabolic resistance in European populations of C. pomonella and the enhanced behavioral response to Et-E,Z-DD in resistant moths, the development of control measures based on this kairomonal compound would be of great interest for the management of insecticide resistance in this species