Détail de la référence

Observations et essais d'interprétations des déplacements nocturnes des Papillons de la Pyrale du Maïs Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lep. pyralidae) entre peuplement végétal, refuge et Maïs

Auteurs : Stockel (Jacques Pierre), Arnaud (Luc) et Peypelut (Lionel)

Année de publication : 1985
Publication : Biology of Behaviour
Volume : 10
Fascicule : 2
Pagination : 169-182

Résumé :

During several summers, in the beginning of July, between 1978 and 1983, the displacement behavior of the 1st generation of European corn borer adults was observed nightly. The moths present were counted along previously marked paths (25 m) in the middle of maize fields and on their herbaceous crop borders. The observations were simultaneously done by several observers during the day and the night on the 2 types of vegetation: host and non host-plant. During the day, the O. nubilalis moths were staying stock-still, at rest on the non host-plants (external borders). The flight began on the twilight and the peak happened about 2030 h (solar time). The moths left the crop borders and swiftly flyied towards the middle of the maize field. In the same time an important sexual activity of these moths was observed. Most insects, which take refuge all day long on crop borders, return during the night to the middle of the host plant. The determinism and the ecological consequences of these nightly movements, unobserved on a lepidopteran up to date, are discussed