Détail de la référence


Pelosia obtusa H.-S., espèce nouvelle pour la faune de Corse (Lep. Arctiidae)

Auteur : Sumpich (Jan)

Année de publication : 1997
Publication : Alexanor
Volume : 20
Fascicule : 1
Pagination : 43-44

Résumé :

In a collection of Moths made in June 1995 in Corsica was one species new to the island, which is not included in the Corsican checklist (RUNGS, 1988). This species, Pelosia obtusa (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), is associated with wetland habitats. This record was from an entomologically under-recorded locality where detailed study would be likely to produce other additions to the fauna, for example among the Microlepidoptera2 fig.