Détail de la référence


Llista anotada dels noctuoïdeus de Catalunya (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea)

Auteur : Bellavista i Admetlla (Josep)

Année de publication : 2021
Publication : Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Lepidopterologia
Volume : 17
Pagination : 5-60

Résumé :

An annotated checklist of the Catalan species of Noctuoidea is presented, consisting of 738 species. Three new synonyms are proposed: Episema hispana Boisduval, 1828 = Episema grueneri Boisduval, [1837] (syn. nov.), Trigonophora iodea (Guenée, 1841) = Trigonophora jodea (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850) (syn. nov.), and Fissipunctia Beck, 1991 = Apterogumen Berio, 2002 = Apterogenum Fibiger & Hacker, 2007; an incorrect subsequent spelling of Apterogumen (syn. nov.), [Phalaena] Bombyx crenata Esper, 1785 is considered a junior primary homonym of Phalaena crenata Hufnagel, 1766, and Agrotis spinifera (Hübner, [1808]), a junior secondary homonym of Agrotis spinifera (de Villers, 1789). Lygephila lusoria glycyrrhizae (Staudinger, 1861) and Odice blandula (Staudinger, 1861) are also considered valid combinations. The list is arranged according to species membership in higher-level taxa, based on the most recent working hypotheses of a comprehensive phylogenetic framework for the Noctuoidea. The species reported as new to Catalonia since 2000 and the taxa that have primary types from localities in the Catalan geography are indicated. This checklist also serves to correct minor nomenclatural errors in the European checklists of Fibiger & Hacker (2005) and Yela & Zahiri (2011).