Détail de la référence


Revision of the genus Phyllobrostis Staudinger, 1859 (Lepidoptera, Lyonetiidae)

Auteur : Mey (Wolfram)

Année de publication : 2006
Publication : Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Volume : 53
Fascicule : 1
Pagination : 114-147

Résumé :

The genus Phyllobrostis is revised; eleven species, in two species-groups, are currently recognized; three species are newly described: P. farsensis sp. n. from Iran, P. nuristanica sp. n. and P. kandaharensis sp. n. from Afghanistan; one species is excluded from Phyllobrostis and transferred to the Tineoidea. The primary types of all but one species were examined and four lectotypes are designated. An identification key based on external characters is provided. All species are (re-)described; the male and, where known, the female genitalia are illustrated in detail. The larva and pupa of P. hartmanni are described. The larvae of the European species are leaf-miners or gall-makers on Daphne spp. and Thymelaea spp. (Thymelaeaceae); those of the extra-European species are unknown. The distribution of Phyllobrostis is highly disjunct: five species occur in the western Mediterranean Region and the European Alps, three species in Iran and Afghanistan, and three in southern Africa. The phylogenetic relationships of the species are discussed. The monophyly of Phyllobrostis is supported by two apomorphies (genitalic characters). Phyllobrostis is closely related to Lyonetia ; both genera share a number of synapomorphies and their phylogenetic position within Lyonetiidae is briefly discussed.