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Ypsolopha rhinolophi sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Ypsolophidae), a new species from Portugal and France unveiled by bats

Auteurs : Corley (Martin ), Ferreira (Sonia) et Mata (Vanessa A.)

Année de publication : 2019
Publication : Zootaxa
Volume : 4609
Fascicule : 3
Pagination : 565-573

Résumé :

A new species Ypsolopha rhinolophi Corley is described from northern Portugal and south-east France. It resembles Y. alpella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and Y. lucella (Fabricius, 1775) but shows clear differences from both species in DNA barcode and in male and female genitalia. Male genitalia of Y. lucella are illustrated for the first time. The new species has been collected at light, reared from larvae on Quercus pyrenaica Willd. and recognised from DNA barcode fragments obtained from droppings of horseshoe bats.