Détail de la référence

A revision of Ferdinand Le Cerf's Clearwing Moth types (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae), kept at the Paris Museum

Auteurs : Arita (Yutaka) et Gorbunov (Oleg G.a.)

Année de publication : 1996
Publication : Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology
Volume : 2
Fascicule : 2
Pagination : 137-187

Résumé :

The types of 15 names from the clearwing moth genus Melittia Hubner, (1819), namely, M. amboinensis var. asiatica Le Cerf, 1917, M. batchiana Le Cerf, 1917, M. burmana Le Cerf, 1916, M. celebica Le Cerf, 1916, M. distincta Le Cerf, 1916, M. doddi Le Cerf, 1916, M. javana Le Cerf, 1916, M. khmer Le Cerf, 1917, M. madureae Le Cerf, 1916, M. marangana Le Cerf, 1916, M. meeki Le Cerf, 1916, M. proxima Le Cerf, 1917, M. staudingeri Boisduval, (1875), M. sumatrana Le Cerf, 1916 and M. tabanus Le Cerf, 1916, deposited in the collection of Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France are revised and illustrated. The following species, M. celebica Le Cerf, 1916, M. doddi Le Cerf, 1916, M. javana Le Cerf, 1916, and M. meeki Le Cerf, 1916, are revalidated from the synonymy with M. amboinensis Felder, 1861; M. burmana Le Cerf, 1916, from that with M. binghami Niceville, 1900; and M. sumatrana Le Cerf, 1916, from that with M. indica Butler, 1874. Besides, M. batchiana Le Cerf, 1917, M. distincta Le Cerf, 1916, and M. marangana Le Cerf, 1916, are synonymized under M. amboinensis Felder, 1861, M. nepcha Moore, 1879, and M. sumatrana Le Cerf, 1916, respectively. The neotype of M. amboinensis Felder, 1861, and the lectotypes of M. burmana Le Cerf, 1916, M. celebica Le Cerf, 1916, M. javana Le Cerf, 1916, M. meeki Le Cerf, 1916, and M. proxima Le Cerf, 1917, are designated. A brief discussion of the systematic position of M. khmer Le Cerf, 1917, and some Nearctic and Neotropical "Melittia" is presented