Détail de la référence

Influence de facteurs de milieu sur la ponte et la longévité d'Acrolepiopsis assectella Z. (Lepidoptera, Acrolepiidae). Rôle de la plante-hôte. Variabilité des réponses

Auteurs : Arnault (Claude) et Loevenbruck (Catherine)

Année de publication : 1986
Publication : Acta œcologica. Œcologia applicata
Volume : 7
Fascicule : 1
Pagination : 27-38

Résumé :

A. assectella, specialist of Allium porrum, is able to react to unusual conditions of rearing and reproduction. Some population's characteristics could be changed by such situations. Comparisons are made between a wild population (reared on leek plants) and a laboratory-bred one (reared on semi-synthetic diet). Inseminated females are isolated with: a piece of leek leaf, or plastic with leek juice, or plastic with pure water (adults are not taking food); each female has only one kind of these supports during her life. Starting of egg-laying, number of eggs, rhythm of laying and longevity are studied. The highest reproduction ratio, below wild population on leek, is obtained with the laboratory-bred one on leek also, or on plastic with leek juice, which is its usual laying support. On this support, only 50% of wild population can lay eggs. With pure water, oviposition is disturbed for both types of populations; nevertheless, some females are able to lay in total absence of host-plant. Lonvevity is longer for wild than for laboratory populations. It appears to be shorter with leek juice, which is supposed to contain toxic factor. Laboratory strains have lost capacity to be stimulated by the host-plant for reproduction, but are able to oviposit efficiently on artificial support. The variability within populations of A. assectella remains in both types of populations, and helps their capacity of adaptation to environmental factors acting on reproduction