Détail de la référence


Synanthedon loranthi (Králícek, 1966) auch an der Obermosel (Lep., Sesiidae)

Auteurs : Bläsius (Rolf) et Herrmann (René)

Année de publication : 1992
Publication : Melanargia. Nachrichten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch westfälischer
Volume : 4
Fascicule : 2
Pagination : 35-36

Résumé :

The caterpillar of the clear-wing moth Synanthedon loranthi lives in the Upper Mosel area (Lothringen, Rhineland) in mistleloe on hawthorn and White Beam. In Southern France this species was recorded in several localities. There, the caterpillar lives in mistleloe on pine, Common Maple, hawthorn, almond and poplar trees.