Détail de la référence

Cycles évolutifs de cinq espèces de Lépidoptères Arctiidae en France (Arctia caja L., Spilosoma lubricipeda L., Spilosoma luteum Hfn., Arctia villica L., et Phragmatobia fuliginosa L.)

Auteurs : Buès (Robert) et Poitout (Henri Serge)

Année de publication : 1983
Publication : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Volume : (N. S.), 19
Fascicule : 3
Pagination : 251-260

Résumé :

The data were obtained from both captures in light traps and laboratory observations on larval development. A. caja generally shows 2 flights a year (May, June and Aug.-Sept.). The larval diapause occurs in winter at different stages. The species can be monovoltine in geographical zones where winter is long and cold. In southern France, A. villica is a monovoltine species with a larval diapause. P. fuliginosa shows 3 flights a year and outlive winter at larval stage. S. lubricipeda and S. luteum have 2 annual flights, although the population can partly show a unique flight. They both show a winter nymphal diapause