Variabilité écophysiologique et enzymatique de Cydia pomonella L. en fonction de l'origine géographique et de la plante-hôte
Auteurs : Buès (Robert), Poitout (Henri Serge) et Toubon (Jean-François)
Année de publication : 1995
Publication : Agronomie
Volume :
Fascicule : 3-4
Pagination : 221-231
Résumé :
Simultaneous ecophysiological and enzymatic investigations were performed on Cydia pomonella populations from distant areas and from various host plants (apple, pear, quince, walnut and apricot). Different Photoperiodic thresholds for diapause induction and temperature thresholds for post-diapause reactivation were observed according to areas but not host plants. The enzymatic analysis of 7 polymorphic loci exhibits only a weak genetic differentiation between populations from different localities (F-st = 0.0294) and different host plants (F-st = 0.0385). However, significant differences of allelic frequencies were noted. We put forward the hypothesis of local populations, mostly apple pests, some of which emigrate to occasional hosts, according to spatio-temporal synchronisms. Nonetheless, this dispersion does not constitute a 'foundation effect', since arrested winter development and the non-coincidence of the sensitive phenological stages of host-plants lead to a regular mixing of subpopulations