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Première mention pour le Poitou-Charentes de Boudinotiana touranginii (Berce, 1870) (Lepidoptera Geometridae Archiearinae)

Auteur : Ducept (Samuel)

Année de publication : 2012
Publication : Alexanor
Volume : 25
Fascicule : 4, 2011
Pagination : 195-198

Résumé :

Boudinotiana touranginii (Berce, 1870) recorded for the first time in the Poitou-Charentes region (Lepidoptera Geometridae Archiearinae). Starting in 2011, a search along the banks of the Creuse and the Vienne was carried out for the Small Orange Underwing (Boudinotiana touranginii) in the departement of the Vienne (87). After many unsuccessful attempts at finding it, the species was located for the first time in the Poitou-Charentes region during March 2012, a few kilometres upstream of the confluence of the Creuse and the Vienne, not far from the sector in the departement of the Indre-et-Loire (37) where the moth was seen in 2011. The potential for the colonisation of the main watercourses in the departement of the Vienne is discussed briefly