Faunistik und Artenschutz im trinationalen Kontext - Möglichkeiten und Probleme
Auteur : Ebert (Günter)
Année de publication : 2006
Publication : Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel
Volume :
Fascicule : 3
Pagination : 110-117
Résumé :
The faunistic results contained in the two fundamental publications "Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Wuerttembergs" and "Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Region Basel" are compared and discussed with respect to their relevance for the "Dreilaendereck" region of Switzerland, France and Germany. Possibilities of a coordinated continuation of the work done so far are the main focus of consideration. Particularly important in this context is the realisation that today faunistics and species conservation have become, both in theory and in practice, a single interconnected area of study, which in future should be one of the most strongly supported research areas of regional planning