Détail de la référence


Sphaleroptera alpicolana (Frölich, 1830) (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae, Cnephasiini) : a species complex

Auteur : Whitebread (Steven E.)

Année de publication : 2006
Publication : Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum
Volume : 86
Pagination : 177-204

Résumé :

Sphaleroptera alpicolana (FROELICH 1830) is a locally common day-flying high Alpine species previously considered to occur in the German, Austrian, Swiss, Italian and French Alps, and the Pyrenees. The females have reduced wings and cannot fly. However, a study of material from the known range of the species has shown that "Sphaleroptera alpicolena" is really a complex of several taxa. S. alpicolana s.str. occurs in the central part of the Alps, in Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Germany. A new subspecies, S. a. bureri ssp.n. is described from the Valais (Switzerland). Four new species are described, based on distinct differences in the male and female genitalia: S. occidentana sp. n., S. adamelloi sp. n., S. dentana sp. n. and S. orientana sp. n., with the subspecies S. o. suborientana. Distribution maps are given for all taxa and where known, the early stages and life histories are described. The role of the Pleistocene glaciations in the speciation process is discussed