Détail de la référence

Voorjaarsinventarisatie in de Drôme Provencale. Een Drôme vol vlinders

Auteur : Wit (Bert)

Année de publication : 2002
Publication : Vlinders
Volume : 17
Fascicule : 4
Pagination : 18-20

Résumé :

- The Drome in France is a region well-known for its abundance of butterflies. The author has spent many holidays here in spring during which he recorded butterfly observations. An account of these observations is given. The majority of the 46 species were sighted in meadows and mountainous terrain. Few species were seen in woodland. Abundant butterflies were the scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius), Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines), green hairstreak (Callphrys rubi) and the violet fritillary (Boloria dia)