Détail de la référence

Coenonympha (superspecies gardetta) darwiniana (Staudinger, 1871) en Vercors (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

Auteur : Hanus (Jean)

Année de publication : 2007
Publication : Lambillionea. Revue internationale d'Entomologie
Volume : 107
Fascicule : 2
Pagination : 303-308

Résumé :

A population of Coenonympha darwiniana was found in Vercors, about fifty kilometres from known populations. It is an isolated and polymorph colony, close to colonies South of the Ecrins. It is argued that the best taxonomic position for this taxon is that of a semispecies within the superspecies gardetta as proposed by Boillat