Détail de la référence


Bearbeitung der Gattung Scythris Hübner (Lepidoptera, Scythrididae). 4. Unbeschreibene Arten aus Italien

Auteur : Jaeckh (Jäckh) (Eberhard)

Année de publication : 1978
Publication : Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona
Volume : 5
Pagination : 1-14

Résumé :

In the taxonomic determination of Scythris s.l., butterflies are found that cannot be assigned to a known species. Since all central and south European species were studied using genitalia of both sexes, exact recognition is possible, while species with organs of a different build can be identified as new. New taxa described are Scythris adustella, S. nigrella, S. occidalpella, S. imperiella, S. carboniella, S. lagunae, S. bolognella and S. glacialis carnicheella, ssp. nov. Thus far only a few specimens of these Coleoptera were collected in Italy; S. occidalpella was found in the department of Basses Alpes, France [Scythris occidalpella n. sp. (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence)]