Détail de la référence


Les états pré-imaginaux et l'écologie de Satyrus actaea Esper (1780) dans le Sud-Est de la France. Considérations sur la taxinomie et la géonémie des taxons du genre Satyrus (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae )

Auteurs : Jutzeler (David) et Leestmans (Ronny)

Année de publication : 1994
Publication : Linneana Belgica
Volume : 14
Fascicule : 5
Pagination : 275-288

Résumé :

The first author succeeded in rearing Satyrus actaea from the egg onwards using a heated glass cage. He captured a female on August 10th 1992 at the Col de Brouis (Maritime Alps, SE. France). The eggs were laid on the gauze of the cage instead of the leaves that were on disposal. The eggs were at rest during 3 months, the caterpillars emerging at mid-November. The caterpillar developed in 5 moults. During the first two it fed at daytime, whereas it ate at night during the 3 last moults. Feeding took place throughout the winter. It fed on Festuca ovina until the fourth moult, changing on Brachypodium rupestre afterwards. It climbed to the top of this grass in order to eat. The first caterpillar turned into a chrysalid at the beginning of May, the other ones between mid-June and the beginning of July. This stage lasted one month. Out of the 4 chrysalids only one butterfly emerged. The second author deals with the taxonomic problems and the geographic distribution of the taxa of the genus Satyrus (s. str.)